Salon Hecate and Noordhoek Art Point gallery are delighted to announce the launch of the very first book featuring art from the gallery on the cover. Tuesday Houston, take a bow! The contents are equally special: short stories about the blissful and not-so-blissful aspects of mothering by some of South Africa’s most admired writers — several of whom live right here in the Deep South. They’ll be reading from their works on the night, and we’d love you to join us in toasting them and this new venture, fitting for Women’s Month.
About this innovative project: author, writing coach and specialist short story curator Joanne Hichens has wanted to launch a line of pocket books featuring good short stories for years, and so the I Heart Short Stories Series was born. The idea is to provide a fresh way to publish and support excellent short story writers and writing — with collections on specific themes and also featuring single authors. Watch out for more in this series from Tattoo Press, Joanne’s indie imprint.
Local authors Diane Awerbuck, Maire Fisher, Anne Schlebusch and Lisa Templeton will read from their works, and Stephen Symons, rapidly becoming a favourite at Salon Hecate events, will also make an appearance. A man of many talents, he’s responsible for the design of the book and the cover.
So join us to kick off this great new adventure, to congratulate the authors, the publisher, the designer and the artist (of course!), and to enjoy an evening of fine words, wine and delicious snacks with us. Entrance is free, and all the details are on the invitation.
Date and time: 25 August, 17:30
Please RSVP to
What a lovely introduction to this event! Brava Joanne!